Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Communication and the internet part 2

1.   Why is communication so important during an emergency?
Communication is so important during an emergency because if you were lost or stuck somewhere and you had a communicational device with you (such as e.g. mobile, walky talky, radio and etc.) you’ll be very lucky to have one so you can communicate to one another for help.
2.   What forms of communication have been used during the recent disaster you have chosen to discuss?
Many different techniques of communication were used during Hurricane Katrina, Sandy and tohoku. Ham operators were one of the ways that helped to communicate in hurricane Katrina using voice, computers, televisions and Morse codes. Some hams bounce their signals off the upper regions of the atmosphere, so they can talk with hams on the other side of the world; others use satellites. Many use short-range, handheld radios that fit in their pockets. Cellphones were a vital aid in communicating to get help. Families were able to text or call friends or other relatives in different parts of the world to get help. If they were to try to call 911 the system would probably be overloaded. There are still many other sorts of communication used in now day’s natural disasters.
3.   What essential information needs to be communicated during a disaster or emergency?
The essential information needs to be communicated during an emergency or a disaster is where are you and your location, how many people are with you, and the most wanted one is HELP ME!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Communication and Internet

What communication forms are synchronous?

Chatting, instant messenger, phone and many others are all synchronous communication forms. That is because data is transfered through a method in which data is sent (upstream) and received (downstream).  The data flows at the same speed, and is spaced by timing signals.Chatting, instant messenger, phone and many others are all synchronous communication forms. That is because data is transfered through a method in which data is sent (upstream) and received (downstream).  

Which ones are asynchronous?

Text messaging is is a form of asynchronous communication. E-mail is another form of asynchronous communication. That is because  data transfer method are signals sent and received in spurts and not in a continuous stream like synchronous forms of communication.

What is needed in hardware and software for each?

A web browser ( such as internet, safari, fire fox ) is a software that is needed for asynchronous communication.   A monitor, mouse, key board, and zip drive are the hardwares that is needed for asynchronous communication.
What type of information would be conveyed by each form?

Both types of information conveyed by asynchronous and synchronous are practically the same. Information such as the location and the affected population and areas would be the information conveyed.