Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Video Planning

Me and Marina are making a video about our opinions on GM foods. We will both speak for about two and a half minutes about what we we think about GM foods.

Hardware: Iphone

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Reflection on GM Foods

Its difficult to decide weather GM foods are good or bad.

The bad things about GM foods are that you are manipulating with the natural environment. That can cause damages in the food chain and also threaten animals and plants. Also you can't be sure of the long term effects on life. For instance some people say that you can get cancer or become infertile by eating GM foods.

The good things are that the food can last for longer and also is much more resistant to weather/climate or bugs. All this makes food production much more cost efficient and maybe people in the world won't have to starve to death.

Over all, in my opinion, you have to be very careful when messing with nature. I believe there must be other ways to feed the poor around the world and also natural food tastes much better.

My planning of GM foods Power Point presentation